
Los Angeles

Nasya is a process wherein the drug (medicated oils and liquid medicines) is administered through the nostrils. Since a nose is the gateway to the head, the therapy is highly effective in curing a number of diseases pertaining to the head, if it is performed systematically. The therapy cleanses and opens the channels of the head, which has a direct influence on the functioning of brain. The therapy is beneficial if done on a regular basis, because it keeps the eyes, nose and ear healthy. It also prevents the early greying of hair and beard.

Nasya karma ensures the proper and healthy growth of hair. The therapy enhances the activity of sense organs and protects the person from diseases pertaining to head (urdhwanga).Early aging process is effectively prevented by the regular administration of Nasya karma.

It is administrated to cure diseases related to head, neck, ear and many other diseases like Skin Diseases, Epilepsy, Chronic catarrh, Headaches, Migraines, Voice constrain, Speech impediments, Paralysis, Seminal disorders etc.

Vamana treatment is targeted to expel increased Kapha Dosha out of the body. When Kapha dosha increases, it causes certain types of diseases – such as cold, cough etc. If the extent of Kapha increase is less, then some oral medicines can be given to suppress it. But if it has increased to a large extent and if it has moved from its natural place to other places, then it needs to be expelled out of the body.

By expelling it out, the disease gets cured, often completely. Since Kapha is situated in the chest region, expelling it from the oral route is very easy. Hence, Vamana treatment is designed. To expel it out, first the Kapha Dosha needs to be forcefully brought from the extremities and different organs into the stomach, and then vomiting is induced.


  • Vaman is induced in order to eliminate excess of mucus from the respiratory and gastro-intestinal tract that causes excess of the kapha.


  • Lightness in the chest is often experienced after undergoing the vaman therapy.