Ayurvedic Female Infertility Treatment in Dhayari | Dr. Aditi Mehare


Infertility is defined as not being able to have children. Problems conceiving a child are defined by medical experts as “infertility” if a couple has had regular unprotected sex for one year without the woman becoming pregnant.

According to Ayurveda, infertility exists when a healthy couple is unable to achieve pregnancy after two or more years or fail to conceive for several years after the first delivery. Ayurveda explains that a woman whose artava (reproduction tissue/organ) loses its quality it is called vandhya/infertile. Vandhyatva (infertility) has been long standing problem since ancient period but it is most burning issue nowadays because of improper lifestyle.


  • Pain during sex.
  • Heavy, long, or painful periods
  • Dark or pale menstrual blood
  • Irregular menstrual cycle
  • Hormone changes
  • Underlying medical conditions
  • Not getting pregnant


Infertility may be due to male or female factors. Causes of infertility in woman include ovarian factors, tubal factors, age-related factors, uterine problems, PCOS, endometriosis etc. Menstrual cycle can be affected by many factors, such as diet, emotional instability, excessive physical exercise, life-style, and stress responsible for creating an imbalance of the Doshas (control the activities of the body-Vata, Pitta and Kapha).

Male infertility is usually caused by problems that affect either sperm production or sperm transport which include varicocele, infections, ejaculation problems, tumours, hormone imbalances, defects of tubules that transport sperm etc.

In Ayurved main cause of any abnormal function in body is agnimandya (vitiation of the digestive fire of body) & tridosha dushti (vitiation of three governing factors of body).

Risk Factors:

  • Age
  • Hormone imbalance
  • Environmental factors
  • Too much body fat or very low body fat
  • DES taken by mother during pregnancy
  • Chronic diseases such as diabetes, lupus, arthritis, hypertension, and asthma
  • Abnormal Pap smears that have been treated with cryosurgery or cone biopsy


  • Agni deepana and Ama pachana:
  • Ama formation (toxins created when undigested food forms in the stomach) by the imbalance in Agni (the power of digestion) lead to many diseases. Therefore, the treatment of Ama must always include the treatment of Agni, including the use of digestive and carminative Ayurvedic formulations, eating meals at proper time following an appropriate schedule. Ayurved Panchakarma treatments help to eliminate Ama thus corrects Agni. Healthy Agni will also contribute to healthy Ojas.
  • Vatanulomana:
  • The main dosha involved in infertility is Vata. So Vatanulomana (correcting the functions of Vata) is very important in the treatment of infertility. Ayurvedic formulations, following routine exercises and strict diet schedule will help in Vatanulomana.
  • Sodhana:
  • Suitable sneha-swedas are done prior to sodhana. Then treatment modalities like Vamana (emesis), Virechana (puragation), Vasti (medicated enema) and Utharavasti special enema administered through urethral or vaginal routes) are done as per the condition of the patient. The patient has to follow peyadi krama (strict dietary regimen to be followed after Sodhana). This detoxification therapy helps in the expulsion of the toxins from the body. These therapies help to correct ovarian, tubular and uterine problems causing infertility.
  • Ayurved treatments help in releasing tension and removing impurities from the body. They nourish the body, revitalize the mind and strengthen the immune system. They are beneficial in reducing stress, nourishing all dhatus of the body and pacifying Vata.